

Pre-Employment screening is a comprehensive check to obtain and verify information that may or may not be supplied willingly for the purpose of hiring a qualified individual for a specific position or a promotion to a specific position within the business. 

Pre-Employment screenings consist of:

Security interview between the applicant and Archon Investigation Agency
Application verification
Social security number verification
Drivers license verification
Motor vehicle records
Credit check
Public records check
Criminal history check
Employment history verification
Education history 
Military history
Address history

In the last decade lawsuits have begun to appear for “negligent hiring.” Businesses are loosing millions of dollars in court because their employees commit crimes. Companies are being successfully sued for poor screening during the hiring process. The courts have determined that employers are responsible for assuring their employees backgrounds are clean. Since the cost of litigation is so expensive, businesses may settle a suit even when they are in the right. Employers realize it is more cost effective to properly screen their employees than to defend a single lawsuit. By properly screening employees, employers can reduce lawsuits, demonstrate that a proactive hiring policy is in place if a civil action should occur, significantly drop turnover rate, and reduce disciplinary problems.


As an employer you have a legal obligation to both the public and your employees. You are bound by statute to provide a safe and healthy work environment, free from known hazards and risks under federal and state laws. As an employer you are also legally obligated under Title 7 of the U.S. Code to ensure the work place is free of discrimination and harassment. An employment screening can save you and your company time and money on costly lawsuits.


The FBI reports that employee theft is the fastest growing crime in the U.S. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce fifty billion dollars are lost annually due to employee theft and fraud. Also reported by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 20% of all businesses fail, due to internal theft and fraud. The Insurance Institute of America reports that 65% to 75% of all merchandise losses come from internal theft by employees. Approximately 75% of people who perpetuate white-collar crime on a given company did so at a prior company.


30% of all resumes are fraudulent. Approximately 60%of salaries reported on resumes are inflated; 5% of personal references are non-existent, and 14% of educational references are bogus.


The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that two out of five employees (40%) have used illegal drugs while on the job. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) reports that 60% of all illegal drugs produced in the world are consumed in the U.S. Of those illegal drugs consumed here, 75% or more are consumed by people with jobs. Employee substance abuse increases absenteeism, employment turnover, insurance costs, theft, fraud, dishonesty, and the unnecessary consumption of benefits. It decreases moral, productivity, and profits. Employee substance abuse robs the organization. It may very well be the most formidable competitor we face to day.

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