

Surveillance is the systematic observation of people, places, or events to obtain information. Counter-surveillance is used to detect mobile, fixed, or electronic surveillance. There are many reasons to conduct surveillance: establish the identity of persons involved in matters of interest, detect illegal or improper activities, develop leads for further investigations, obtain information for use in interviews, obtain evidence, check reliability of sources, domestic investigations, theft investigations, and personal protection of persons or property.

Types of surveillance:

Mobile- strategic vehicular and foot surveillance designed to gather information by documentation, photography, and video footage.

Static - commonly refereed to as a stakeout, investigators observe buildings, residences, vehicles, and property.

Electronic - observation using covert video equipment and/or eavesdropping devices.

Vehicular satellite tracking - real-time tracking of a vehicle or individual utilizing a mobile receiver and satellites.

Types of counter-surveillance:

Convoy surveillance


Hidden camera finding

Vehicular satellite tracking

Used In

Criminal and Civil Cases
Insurance Fraud
General Cases
Domestic Cases
Child Custody
Cheating Spouses
Dead-Beat Parents
And More

Surveillance can gather some of the most convincing evidence. However, an improperly conducted surveillance can result in tort liability. The investigator conducting the surveillance must know the laws governing this field and be sure to avoid harassment, invasion of privacy, and entrapment. Our surveillance operatives pride themselves on their knowledge of such laws and experience through former careers in the United States Military and Law Enforcement.

Through our various industry contacts, we are also able to sell or rent personal surveillance equipment for your home or office at exceptionally low prices, including installation and periodic re-adjustment.

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