

An interview is defined as, the questioning of an individual who may possess information of interest to an investigation and who is not reluctant to cooperate. An interrogation is a strategic questioning of a subject at a more intense level of confrontation who possess information to an investigation and may be reluctant to cooperate. Many law offices, businesses and individuals hire investigators to interview and interrogate individuals for several reasons.

In Criminal and Civil Cases

Witnesses to Crimes or Accidents

Develop Suspects

Eliminate Suspects

Prove Or Disprove Alibi Witnesses

Locate A Suspect Or A Subject

Locate Physical Evidence

Simplify Technical Material

Construct A Time Line

Prove Or Disprove Rumors

Obtaining Admissions Of Guilt

In Businesses

Pre-Employment Screening Interview

Promotion Interview

Accident Witnesses

Employee Theft Witnesses

Fraud Witnesses

Controlled Substance and Alcohol Abuse


Abuse of Employee Benefits

Locate Individuals Who Are Delinquent In Accounts

And More

In General Cases

Locate Biological Parents or Offspring

Locate Dead-Beat Parents for Child Support

Child Custody Cases

Locate Missing Persons

Locate Individuals Who Don’t Want To Be Found

Nanny and Babysitting Interview


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